The difference to the UK 12" is the tour dates on the back
that on this Dutch version lists the dates outside of UK on the Lights Out Over Europe Tour 1991. Apparently some
copies are laminated, some are not. I have no idea if one of them is more unusual than the other. The back cover
also contains the lyrics to all the four songs. There is also a slight difference on the front cover. In the
lower left corner the text is different to the UK version. Another tiny difference is the label. This Dutch copy
has big numbers for side 1 and 2 as you can see if you compare this with the
UK version.
C r e d i t s
No text yet.
M a t r i x n o
No text yet.
S o u r c e s
No text yet.
V a l u e
A copy was sold on Ebay in March 2005 for EUR 3.71.