In December 2020 a record on Ebay was for sale described as "RARE ACETATE Motorhead Dead Men Tell No Tales UK Town House S/Sided 45 Motörhead".
It was a 7" and had Townhouse Studios labels with handwritten song title. The
label is light yellow and has "The Town House, 150 Goldhawk Road, London W12, Tel: 08-743 9313" printed on it
with a picture of a building. No label on the back, just black. Seller was "jimmysoulclarksoul".
In 2009 a 12"Town House Acetate of Golden years was sold on Ebay. It also had handwritten labels but
different handwriting. There are examples of fake Town house acetates on the internet.
GBP 1721, December 2020, Ebay.