The only 7" of the Bronze signles that were made in France, except for one version
of St Valentines Day Massacre that has "Made in France" printed on the label. Same sleeve as the UK pressing but
with a red banner in the top right corner that says "Vitesse 33 t, 4 titres". Has the standard yellow Bronze label
with black lettering and the SACEM logo.
C r e d i t s
Offset France made in France
Distribution WEA
Photographs Paul Cox (LFI)
M a t r i x n o
[Hand written] Side 1: MPO [the letters "BRO" and some other signs are scratched
out] BRZ 024A [some sign is scratched out]
[Hand written] Side 2: MPO [the letters "BRO" and some other signs are scratched
out] BRZ 024B