The Brazil version was released by Dynamo and was released without the slip case.
There is a Dynamo logo to the left of the barcode on the back and the small print on the back to the left just
beneath the picture of Phil Campbell is partly in Portugese. The barcode no is 7 898922 463897. The cat no is
printed on the back of the booklet in the lower right corner in white.
It was Sebastian Lautaro who first informed me about this release in October 2008.
Exclusively licensed to Dynamo Records, Caixa Postal 1240 - Sao Paulo/SP Brasil
CEP 01059-970, www.dynamorecords.com.br, contato@dynamorecords.com.br. Not for sale outside Brazil. Produzido no
Polo Industrial du Manaus po Sonopress Rimo da Amazonia e Com. Fonografica Ltda. Industria Brasileira - Rua Ica, no
100-a - Distrito Industrial, Manaus - AM - CNPJ 84, 494, 129/0001-93, sob encomenda de Dynamo Records - CNPJ:
03.444.829/0001-71. Todos os direcitos reservados.
Disc One: IFPI LB43 SONOPRESS.DYN13902CD1 2124/08 IFPI 1134
Disc Two: IFPI LB43 SONOPRESS.DYN13902CD2 2085/08 IFPI 1134