Japanese compilations

Here you will find all (well, that is probably impossible but I will try) Japanese compilations. It could be you are missing some that I have listed somewhere else. There are some Japanese versions of Dirty Love and Blitzkrieg on Birmingham for example that sometimes are said to be compilations but since they include the complete albums and some bonus tracks I see them under Dirty Love and Blitzkrieg on Birmingham.

W o r l d w i d e   r e l e a s e s,  C D



Catalogue no




Front cover

Motorhead VS Girlschool Teichiku TECP-18015 Jap 1989 TECP 25735
Unreleased Tracks Teichiku TECP-25402 Jap 1990 TECP-25402
Best 20 Teichiku TECP 25735 Jap 1991 TECP 25735
Motör-Xmas Teichiku TECX-25374 Jap 1992 TECX-25374
Singles Collection Teichiku TECX-25389 Jap 1992 TECX-25389
Singles Collection Teichiku TECX-25389 Jap 1992 Promo TECX-25389
Best Tracks Teichiku TECW 25161 Jap 1996-03-21 TECP 25735
Best - Rock Masterpiece collection Victor VICP 2159 Jap 1997 Best
Best - Rock Masterpiece collection Victor VICP 2159 Jap 1997 Promo Best
The Complete Best Of Victor VICP 62264 Jap 2003? VICP 62264
The Complete Best Of Victor VICP 62264 Jap 2003? Promo VICP 62264

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