MP3 Collection, 2 CD, ?, Rus, Star, Pirate Mp3 2 CD collection

MP3 Collection, 2 CD
Pictures of album artwork

L a b e l  


C a t a l o g u e  n o  


F o r m a t  

2 CD

M a d e  i n  


R e l e a s e d  i n  


D a t e  


  T r a c k l i s t

    Included albums, disc 1
  1. Another Perfect Day
  2. Orgasmatron
  3. Rockīn`Roll
  4. No Sleep At All
  5. 1916
  6. March Or Die
  7. Bastards
  8. Sacrifice
  9. Overnight Sensation
    Included albums, disc 2
  1. Snake Bite Love
  2. Everything Louder Than Everyone Else CD1
  3. Everything Louder Than Everyone Else CD2
  4. We Are Motorhead
  5. 25 And Alive Boneshaker
  6. Hammered CD 1
  7. Hammered CD 2
  8. Live At Brixton Academy CD 1
  9. Live At Brixton Academy CD 2
  10. Motomorphosis Part2

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N o t e s

  The first time I saw this was in December 2010 on Ebay. The seller was located in Russia (annanewacc001). It is a 2CD set and with Russian letters on the front. Sorry, donīt know Russia but a guess is it says this is a MP3 collection. It has exactley the same 19 albums that previously have been included on other similar releases, this is only a different package. It is for MP3 players and PC. On the back you can see in the small print it is by Star Records and it was released in 2006.

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