Welcome To The Bear Trap


There are four versions of the Welcome To The Bear Trap CD, a UK, a Swedish, an Australian and a German pressing. Some of them are just called Castle Masters Collection.


  1. Motorhead (live)
  2. Overkill
  3. Talking Head
  4. Rock It
  5. Iron Fist
  6. I Got Mine
  7. Steal Your Face
  8. (We Are) The Road Crew
  9. Snaggletooth
  10. Stay Clean
  11. Iron Horse (live)
  12. One Track Mind
  13. Speedfreak
  14. Loser
  15. (Don't Need) Religion
  16. Stone Dead Forever
  17. Sweet Revenge
  18. Capricorn
  19. Love Me Like A Reptile
  20. Ace Of Spades

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W o r l d w i d e   r e l e a s e s,  C D


Catalogue no




Castle CMC 3058 Ger 1990-04
Castle CCSCD 237 UK 1990-04
Castle CCSCD 237 Swe 1990-04
Castle CMCA 007 Aus 1992

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