Pictures of All The Aces, CTV CD 125, UK, Castle, w Metal Skull
Front and back of the Metal Skull Plaque. This copy, no 4 of 10, was sold on Ebay in July 2004
Box with sticker, no 4 of 10, and front of the Metal Skull Plaque. Second picture shows front of box and back of plaque with CD inside.
So same copy (no 4) that was sold in 2004 was sold again on Ebay in February 2006.
Picture left: "Box sold in 2004, no 4 of 10". However, is this information right? Maybe I have mixed up things? Comparing this
with the right picture, that is from the copy that was sold in 2006, the 2006 donīt show the same scuffs. But it is hard to see on the number
in this tiny picture if it actually is no 4. Does this mean this is not the same copy and does that mean there are two
different no 4? It could be this picture is taken from the feature in Record Collector shown below.
The feature of the skull in Record Collector
Sticker on the box sold in September 2006 on Ebay, no 10 of 10.
Copy no 3 (Pictures from Ritchie).
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