Pictures of Stage fright, 693723992877, USA, SPV USA

Stage fright

Front cover of US version in jewel case

Stage fright

Back cover of US version in jewel case. Almost identical to the German back but it does not have the "Freigegeben ab 16 Jahres..." blue logo at the bottom on the left and it has a NTSC logo instead of a PAL logo. It also says Made in USA. This copy has a whole punched through the barcode.

Stage fright

Disc of US version in jewel case. The disc is almost identical to the German one but there are small differences. The US disc does not have the "Freigegeben ab 16 Jahres..." white logo on the left side and there is a NTSC logo instead of a PAL logo. It also says Made in USA. This copy has a whole punched through the barcode.

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