This Brazillian pressing was released two years after the US pressing. The front sleeve
is a bit different, it has a grey frame and the band name is printed at the top. It is a release that is part of a
series of King Biscuit recordings. Inside the tray there are pictures of other releases in the same series. The dis
is black and very similar to the US pressing but it has an Abril logo. This logo is also visible on the back where the
BMG logo is situated on the US pressing.
Fabricado na Zona franca de Manaus por: NovoDisc Manaus Industria Fonografica
Ltda. Av. Abiurana, 566 - Distrito Industial - Manaus - A.M. - CNPJ: 02. 104.848/0001-96 Sob encomenda
da Abril Multimidia Ltda. CNPJ 74.446.592/0001-06. Distribuido por Abril Music sob Licenca da King Biscuit Records.
NOVODISC BR 6007007-2 1477/99 IFPI LG81 IFPI T301.
$41 Feb 2005, Ebay, $42 July 2008, Ebay, $15 June 2009, Ebay, $6.50 September 2009,