Boneshaker, Night 050, Italy?, Night of the Vinyl Dead, 2 LP

Pictures of album artwork

L a b e l  


C a t a l o g u e  n o  

Night 050

F o r m a t  

2 LP

M a d e  i n  


R e l e a s e d  i n  


D a t e  


  T r a c k l i s t

    Side A
  1. We Are Motorhead
  2. No Class
  3. Over Your Shoulder
  4. Metropolis
  5. God Save The Queen
    Side B
  1. Sacrifice
  2. Going To Brazil
  3. Broken
  4. Damage Case
    Side C
  1. Born To Raise Hell
  2. The Chase Is Better Than The Catch
  3. Stay Out Of Jail
  4. Dead Men Fell No Tales
    Side D
  1. Killed By Death
  2. Bomber
  3. Ace Of Spades
  4. Overkill

Q u a n t i t y


A v a i l a b i l i t y

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N o t e s

  Night of the Vinyl Dead had previously released Whorehouse Blues as a vinyl picture disc and in January they released Boneshaker as a LIMITED EDITION BLUE and RED Vinyls in Gatefold cover, two inserts, poster, hand numbered 777 copies. Songs not included on this release from the original show are I'm So Bad (baby I Don't Care), Civil War, Overnight Sensation, You Better Run, Orgasmatron

C r e d i t s

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M a t r i x   n o

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S o u r c e s

  687 (Marco Loiacono, bought from the NVD web site).

V a l u e

  EUR 28, October 2010, Ebay
GBP 40 (no 382), January 2012, Ebay
$25, May 2012, Ebay
EUR 48, May 2013, Ebay

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