1916, 467481 0, UK, WTG, Picture disc

Pictures of album artwork

L a b e l  


C a t a l o g u e  n o  

467481 0

F o r m a t  


M a d e  i n  


R e l e a s e d  i n  


D a t e  


  T r a c k l i s t

  1. The one to sing the blues
  2. I'm so bad (baby I don't care)
  3. No voices in the sky
  4. Going to Brazil
  5. Nightmare/The dreamtime
  6. Love me forever
  7. Angel city
  8. Make my day
  9. Ramones
  10. Shut you down
  11. 1916

Q u a n t i t y

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A v a i l a b i l i t y

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N o t e s

  The picture disc version was manufactured in the UK and was housed in a plastic sleeve with a red round sticker with white writing saying "Limited edition, 1991 tour souvenir, LP picture disc". It also has a nother sticker, a black one with barcode, title and song titles. Both stickers are similar to the stickers featured on the tour CD picture disc. This indicates it was sold at the tour but i guess some copies also were available for sale in some shops. I remember I got my copy at the time at a record fair. The Motorhead logo is not at the top as on the standard vinyl sleeve but at the bottom and it is rounded the other way.

A guy at the imotorhead forum calimed in 2010 he had bought a copy on Ebay that he got with a poster from the time. The seller had claimed the poster was originally sold with the picture disc at the time. My guess is that you could buy both poster and the picture disc at the gigs and maybe you even got a discount if you bought them both. I donīt think they were packaged together.

C r e d i t s

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M a t r i x   n o

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S o u r c e s

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V a l u e

  EUR 73, February 2007, Ebay
EUR 58, March 2007, Ebay
GBP 54 March 2007, Ebay
GBP 46, June 2007
EUR 79 March 2008, Ebay
$46, October 2010, Ebay
EUR 78, April 2011, Ebay
$89, June 2011, Ebay
GBP 37, August 2011, Ebay

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