1916, 467481-1, Gre, WTG, Test pressing

Pictures of album artwork

L a b e l  


C a t a l o g u e  n o  


F o r m a t  


M a d e  i n  


R e l e a s e d  i n  


D a t e  


  T r a c k l i s t

  1. The one to sing the blues
  2. I'm so bad (baby I don't care)
  3. No voices in the sky
  4. Going to Brazil
  5. Nightmare/The dreamtime
  6. Love me forever
  7. Angel city
  8. Make my day
  9. Ramones
  10. Shut you down
  11. 1916

Q u a n t i t y

  According to a seller on Ebay only 1000 copies were made in Greece.

A v a i l a b i l i t y

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N o t e s

  First time I heard of a test pressing of the Greek version was in September 2010 when Greek seller omenhexx offered a white label copy for sale on Ebay. For more info see the Greek Iron Fist test pressing. Just one week later he was not a registered member anymore.

In July 2011 another Greek seller, gmous2001, also offered 1916 as a greek test pressing and in another listing he had a Greek test pressing of Another perfect Day. However, just a few days later the listings had been removed.

C r e d i t s

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M a t r i x   n o

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S o u r c e s

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V a l u e

  GBP 8 June 2007, Ebay.

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