Bomber, BRON 523 (2406 207), UK, Bronze (Polydor)

Pictures of album artwork

L a b e l  


C a t a l o g u e  n o  

BRON 523

F o r m a t  


M a d e  i n  


R e l e a s e d  i n  


D a t e  


  T r a c k l i s t

  1. Dead Men Tell No Tales
  2. Lawman
  3. Sweet Revenge
  4. Sharpshooter
  5. Poison
  6. Stone Dead Forever
  7. All The Aces
  8. Step Down
  9. Talking Head
  10. Bomber

Q u a n t i t y


A v a i l a b i l i t y

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N o t e s

  In 1981 Bronze records had been acquired by Polydor and this meant, just like with Overkill, that UK copies that were printed after 1980 were distributed by Polydor and the small print on the label doesn´t include “EMI Records Ltd” or “Made in Great Britain” like it did in the EMI days. (The year printed on sleeve and label is still of course 1979). Initial copies were distributed in EMI sleeves but had a sticker on the back sleeve covering the EMI logo in the lower right corner. The sticker writes "Manufactured and distributed by Polydor". The label also missed the "EMI" in the small print around the edge. Just under the song titles it has "Produced by Jimmy Miller" written. I call this label version 1. Some labels has a little tighter/shorter small print around the edge (see pictures).

Later copies had "Distibuted by Polydor" printed on the back sleeve in the lower right corner. Now the label also had minor changes; there was an additional catalogue number within brackets, 2406 207, just beneath BRON 523. Under the song titles it says "All titles written by...". Polydor used another pressing plant than EMI, they used Phonogram. Characteristic for this plant is a ridge surrounding the label and a smaller groove about an inch away from the centre hole. This label I call version 2. On the front cover, right top corner, some Polydor copies has a square golden stamp informing “Limited Edition Special Price”, just like the Polydor Overkill version.

C r e d i t s

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M a t r i x   n o

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S o u r c e s

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V a l u e

  GBP 4 June 2007, Ebay (gold stamp)
GBP 7, July 2012, Ebay
GBP 10 (label, version 1), June 2014, Ebay

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