Leaving Here/White Line Fever


Leaving Here was the first single they recorded. Recorded sometime in the summer (?) of 1976 at Pebble Beach studios in Worthing. Stiff paid for the studio time but Motorhead had to pay the tapes. It got the cat no Buy 9 but was never released at the time because of the deal Motorhead already had with UA. It came out a year later in France and Sweden and in UK the tracks were included on two different Stiff compilations, "Bunch of Stiffs" and "Hits greatest Stiffs". In August 1978 Stiff decided to release their 10 first singles as a box and this box finally included the Motorhead single.

There have been many re-issues over the years. The first one was a CD single by Receiver in 1993. The first vinyl re-issue was by the Spanish label Munster and this included a poster and was also released as a picture disc.

uk France Sweden Spain Picture disc CD Stiff box

W o r l d w i d e   r e l e a s e s ,  v i n y l


Catalogue no




Stiff BUY 9 UK 1976? 7", jukebox label
Stiff BUY 9 UK 1978 7", solid centre, also in box
Skydog MH 001 Fra 1977? 7"
Blitz MH 001 Swe 1977? 7"
Munster 7147 Spa 2001 7", re-issue, silver or black poster
Munster 7147 Spa 2001 7", Picture disc
Munster 7147 Spa 2001 7", re-issue, Clear vinyl
Devils Jukebox DJB9 UK 2009-06 3x7", purple vinyl
Devils Jukebox DJB9 UK 2009-06 7", white vinyl, 3 dif. sleeves
Devils Jukebox DJB9 UK 2009-06 7", black vinyl
Devils Jukebox DJB9 UK 2009-06 7", promo set
Devils Jukebox DJB9 UK 2009-06 7", Test Pressing
Pitshark RIK020 UK 2009-12 12"
Pitshark RIK020 UK 2009-12 12", Test Pressing
Pitshark IAN002 UK 2009-12 12", "bag box"
Universal 0600753308219 EU 2011 7", white vinyl (also black?), in skull box

W o r l d w i d e   r e l e a s e s ,  C D


Catalogue no




Receiver RRSCD 1009 UK 1993 Also in box

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