There are at least three different labels for the Spanish Ariola release. Version 1
has "Edita y Distrib. Ariola. Eurodisc, S. A." printed to the left on the label and a big "A" to the right. Version
2 has on the B-side of the label printed "Fab en Espana por Ibarofon S.A.
Permise 5854" and beneath that "Deposito Legal: B-16254-1982". Version 3 (this information I got from Petteri
Rantala in January 2009) is very similar to version 1 but there are some small differences. One is that on the right
above the big "A" it says "33 STEREO", another one is that the cat no has "5B" in the beginning so the whole number
on the label says "5B 204.636".
There are also at least two different sleeves. One has the Motorhead logo in grey, just like the German version.
The copies I have seen of this has had the version 2 (Ibarofon). The version 3 label that Petteri Rantala
informed me about was housed in a sleeve with the Motorhead logo in red and the skull on the back did not have
a swastika. It also had an Ariola logo at the bottom and "Editado y Distribuido por Ariola Eurodisc, S. A. -
Aragón, 204 - 08011 BARCELONA, Impreime: INDUGRAF MADRID, S.A. - Alcorcón (Madrid)". The spine was white.
Oliver mentions the Ibarofon pressing (version 2) and a "Eurodisc with laminated cover" which probably refers to
verison 1 or 3.
Version 3:
[handwitten] I-204.636-a /N`
Petteri Rantala (version 3 labels, pictures of back and white spine).