This is another version of the Deluxe edition from 2008.
It is packaged as digipack with a clear slip case, or clear plastic cardboard
slider, with red text declaring it was a Deluxe Collectors edition. On back sleeve BMG logo. Includes 12-page booklet.
Black discs. The year 2015 is not printed anywhere, info from Discogs. The BMG Deluxe Collectors Edition Series was used
for many different artists and releases like Black Sabbath, Kinks etc. The year 2015 is not visible on the
This compilation (P) 2005 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd, a BMG company
(C) 2008 Sanctuary Records Group, a BMG Company. Unauthorised copying,
reproduction, hiring, public performance, and broadcasting prohibited.
Originally released on Sanctuary Records as SMEDD244.
BIEM/SABAM LC06448. Made in EU. 0602517855465
Pictures from Discogs and Ritchie.