Pictures of Bastards, ZYX 20263-1, Ger, ZYX


Front cover of Bastards


This copy of Bastards, ZYX 20263-1 was said to be a sealed version that was delivered straight from the record company directly after release. Sold for $70 April 2008, Ebay. It was said to be a promo but it did not have any promo stickers on or something like that. Later the seller sold at least two more copies and also said they probably were promos of the picture disc. Now which picture disc? Probably the Golden Core 2007 release.


Back of Bastards, ZYX 20263-1 (unfortunately a yellow date of the photo is visible at lower right corner)


Label of Bastards, ZYX 20263-1


Gold disc of Bastards, ZYX 20263-1


Detail of textplate of Gold disc of Bastards, ZYX 20263-1

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